Free Harry Potter #'s Coloring

Harry Potter Numbers 1-10

These 10 pages are totally free to print and color. Each page has some Harry Potter items to count and color.


I hope you love these printable numbers pages - use them in your homeschool or your preschool or kindergarten classes. You can print the pages as much as you want! Please share links to my posts with everyone who will love them.

I have an entire Harry Potter section with tons of free eHarry Potter-themed pages to love

Find more free educational pages in my School-ish section

I made a set of these Harry Potter number pages when I had Patrons and those were just for them, so I’ve done up a new batch and I hope you love these ones and have so much fun coloring them and counting the Hogwarts items

1 Hogwarts Owl

CLICK HERE to print and color the Harry Potter number page from the image above


2 Cauldrons

CLICK HERE to print and color the Harry Potter number page from the image above


3 Broomsticks

CLICK HERE to print and color the Harry Potter number page from the image above


4 Hogwarts Ties

CLICK HERE to print and color the Harry Potter number page from the image above


5 Quills

CLICK HERE to print and color the Harry Potter number page from the image above


6 Potion Bottles

CLICK HERE to print and color the Harry Potter number page from the image above


7 Lightening Scars

CLICK HERE to print and color the Harry Potter number page from the image above


8 Wands

CLICK HERE to print and color the Harry Potter number page from the image above


9 Spell books

CLICK HERE to print and color the Harry Potter number page from the image above


10 Harry Potter Things

CLICK HERE to print and color the Harry Potter number page from the image above


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