Experiencing God Unit 3
3 Free Coloring Pages Inspired by Experiencing God
Over 1000 Free Coloring Pages at Stevie Doodles
As I work through the Experiencing God study with a group of people over Zoom (because it’s Spring of 2020 as I write this) I am creating coloring pages for each Unit of the study. These three pages came from Unit 3. The first one “Deeper Still, Freer Still.” I want to tell you something about.
My friend Tasha said this in our group meeting as we reviewed the unit and I wrote it down right away, but then as I drew the waves to make this page, I meditated on the words. Deeper still, freer still. The deeper I go with God, the more free I become. The truth of this spoke so deep to my soul I had to share with you who might color the page and encourage you to meditate on these words as you color. Deeper Still, Freer Still.
My prayer for you:
Lord as my friends, as your people, grab these pages to color or just look at or to share with friends, I pray you fill them up with a deeper knowledge of you, make them hungry and thirsty for more and more of you. Let everything else fall short. In your precious name Jesus.
Deeper still Freer still
3 free coloring pages inspired by the Experiencing God bible study
Over 1000 free coloring pages at Stevie Doodles
God always takes the initiative
3 free coloring pages inspired by the Experiencing God bible study
Over 1000 free coloring pages at Stevie Doodles
I will make the priority of my life to love Him with all of my heart
3 free coloring pages inspired by Experiencing God bible study.