Peace Bible Verse Coloring Pages

Bible > Peace

Welcome to my special collection of free coloring pages designed to bring a sense of tranquility to your day. Each page in this collection features hand-drawn artwork that you can color, accompanied by a carefully chosen Bible verse related to the theme of peace. Whether you're seeking a moment of calm, a way to meditate on scripture, or simply a fun activity to enjoy, these coloring pages offer a perfect blend of creativity and spiritual reflection. Dive in and let the words of peace from the Bible fill your heart as you bring these illustrations to life.


Peace coloring pages

Christian coloring pages

a collage of 5 coloring pages with bible verses about peace, on pink background

1 Peter 3:11

They must turn from evil and do good; they must seek peace and pursue it.

bouqet of flowers, colorable, above colorable text 1 Peter 3:11

Psalm 34:14

Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.

snake full of doodles to color above colorable text of Psalm 34:14

Ephesians 2:17

He came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near.

an oval full of doodles to color with white oval centered, colorable text of Ephesians 2:17 inside

Psalm 29:11

The Lord blesses his people with peace

oval full of colorable doodles with 3 colorable giraffes inside, above colorable text "the Lord blesses his people with peace"

Proverbs 12:20

Joy fills hearts that are planning peace

a line of simple plants in pots to color above colorable text of Proverbs 12:20

Isaiah 32:17

The fruit of that righteousness will be peace; its effect will be quietness and confidence forever

a rainbow full of small doodles to color above colorable text "the fruit of that righteousness will be peace; its effect will be quietness and confidence forever"

1 Corinthians 14:33

God is not a God of confusion, but of peace

colorable sundae in a bowl above colorable text "God is not a God of confusion, but of peace"

Romans 12:18

If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone

colorable text of Romans 12:18 surrounded by little pieces of fruit to color

John 20:19

Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you.”

colorable text of John 20:19 below a bunch of colorable paper lanters

John 16:33

I have told you these things so that in my you will have peace

colorable anchor among colorable long-stemmed flowers above colorable text of John 16:33

1 Thessalonians 5:23

May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through

outline of dog and cat full of doodles to color above colorable text of 1 Thessalonians 5:23

Colossians 3:15

And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace

heart full of doodles to color, wearing crown, above colorable text of Colossians 3:15

Romans 15:13

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit

colorable text of Romans 15:13 surrounded by tiny dragonflies to color


Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called children of God

colorable flowers on a stem above colorable text "Blessed are the peacemakers"

2 Thessalonians 3:16

Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way, the Lord be with all of you

colorable cats and hearts under colorable text of 2 Thessalonians 3:16

John 14:27

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you

colorable text of John 14:27 surrounded by tiny colorable elephants

Philippians 4:6-7

This verse has its own post with bunches of pages to choose from. Find your favorite in my Philippians 4:6-7 coloring pages here

Visit my collection of Philippians 4:6-7 printables


1 Corinthians 14:33

God is not the author of confusion, but of peace

colorable text 1 Corinthians 14:33 above colorable taco, lemon, pepper, tomato, olives, cheese

Colossians 3:15

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts

colorable text of Colossians 3:15 in a cloud, surrounded by doodles to color

1 Thessalonians 5:23

May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ

colorable art supplies, paint pallet, tube, easel, brush around colorable text of 1 Thessalonians 5:23

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More bible verse coloring pages

Worrying & Anxiety Bible Verse Coloring Pages

Bible > Anxiety

Welcome to my latest post, a calming resource for those seeking solace from worry and anxiety. I’m excited to share a collection of free printable coloring pages with carefully selected Bible verses designed to provide comfort and peace during stressful times.

Coloring has numerous therapeutic benefits, helping individuals to relax and focus their minds away from everyday concerns. When this soothing activity is paired with the profound and uplifting words of scripture, it becomes a powerful tool for spiritual and emotional healing. My collection features verses that remind me of God’s presence, love, and promises, offering a source of strength and reassurance.

In these pages, you will find designs that cater to all ages and artistic preferences. Whether you are an experienced colorist or picking up colored pencils for the first time, these pages are designed to provide a calming and reflective experience. Verses like Philippians 4:6-7, which urges us to cast our anxieties on God, and Isaiah 41:10, which reassures us of God’s unwavering support, serve as gentle reminders of the peace and hope found in faith.

Whether you set aside time each day to color and reflect, or you use them as a way to unwind at the end of a long week, we hope these pages bring you a sense of peace and a reminder of God’s ever-present love and care.

More free Bible verse coloring pages

collage of coloring pages, each with a bible verse to help with anxiety
2 simple cute birds to color above colorable text of Romans 8:28
earth with doodles to color above colorable text of Romans 8:28

1 Peter 5:7

Cast your anxieties on him because he cares for you

First up in my Anxiety bible verse coloring pages:

a cow head drawing surrounded by colorable flowers above colorable text of 2 Peter 5:7

2 Corinthians 12:9

But he said to me “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”

colorable beach scene above colorable text of 2 Corinthians 12:9

2 Thessalonians 3:16

Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way, The Lord be with you all.

sleeping colorable cats and hearts under colorable text of 2 Thessalonians 3:16

2 Timothy 1:7

God didn’t give us a Spirit of fear, but one of power, of love, of self-discipline

3 colorable pineapples above colorable text of 2 Timothy 1:7

Isaiah 40:31

Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength

a flamingo with doodles inside to color, two flamingo outlines on either side, under colorable text of Isaiah 40:31

Isaiah 41:10

So do not fear for I am with you, do not be dismayed for I am your God, I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my right hand

7 colorable owls wearing crowns above colorable text of Isaiah 41:10

John 14:1

Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me.

3 colorable frogs above colorable text "do not let your hearts be troubled. believe in God, believe also in me."

John 14:27

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you

colorable text of John 14:27 surrrounded by tiny colorable elephants

Matthew 6:26

Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?

colorable text of Matthew 6:26 with tiny colorable birds above and below

Matthew 11:28

Come to me, all who are weary. . . and I will give you rest

a circle full of doodles with a dragonfly in the center, on wings "Come to me, all who are weary and I will give you rest"
text of John 14:27 with hearts with crowns above and below

Matthew 6:34

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself

colorful daisies in a bunch above colorable text of Matthew 6:34

Matthew 28:20

And surely I am with you, even to the end of the age

colorable text "And surely I am with you, even to the end of the age" in the middle of a bunch of tiny colorable cupcakes

Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths.

text of proverbs 3;5-6 under 5 colorable hearts wearing crowns

Psalm 94:19

When anxiety is great within me, your consolation brought me joy

umbrella full of doodles to color above colorable text of Psalm 94:19

Psalm 118:6

The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?

colorable text of Psalm 118:6 centered, tiny flowers and swirls to color all around

Matthew 11:28

Come to me all who are weary and I will give you rest.

a copse of colorable mushrooms below colorable text of Matthew 11:28

2 Corinthians 12:9

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”

5 colorable potted cacti to color below colorable text of 2 Corinthians 12:9

Matthew 28:20

And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.

a shelf of colorable books below the colorable text of Matthew 28:20

Romans 8:28

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

3 butterflies to color and to birds to color under colorable text of Romans 8:28
three colorable cats above colorable text of Matthew 11:28

John 14:1

Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, trust also in me.

crop of colorable mushrooms below colorable text of John 14:1
simple colorable dragonfly inside circle of colorable words "The Lord with fight for you; You need only to be still"
a bunch of colorable heart balloons surrounded by colorable words "The Lord will fight for you; You need only be still"
cute colorable bird between two lines of colorable hearts above text of Exodus 34:6
colorable rainbow with hearts inside, above the text of Hebrews 13:8
a line of colorable long-stemmed flowers above text of John 14:1
simple colorable turtle under text of Psalm 46:1
bouquet of colorable flowers above text of Psalm 46:1

Philippians 4:6-7 has it’s own post! I made 10+ pages for this verse alone, so it has a special home ->

free philippians 4:6-7 coloring pages

Visit my whole post of Philippians 4:6-7 color pages


I have a whole post full of Psalm 23 as well!

See all of my free Psalm 23 coloring pages

Visit my post full of free Psalm 23 color pages


His love endures forever! I have a whole post of these as well, see them all here


This might be might favorite, simple reminder for when I’m having anxiety, and I have a whole post full of different “Jesus loves me” pages

Visit my post with Jesus loves me coloring sheets


Meditating on this prayer helps me calm down in tough moments. This another one with a whole post of it’s own. I hope these Lords Prayer coloring pages help you!


I hope you found a page for your needs here! If you are still looking I have 1000+ bible coloring pages here at Stevie Doodles.

United States Coloring Pages

Educational > US States

For kids and adults wanting to explore and learn more about the individual states that make up the United States of America - I’ve created a fun and completely free resource for you.

Please share the links to these pages with all of your friends who are helping others learn more about the United States. I appreciate you spreading the word about all of these awesome geography printable coloring pages.

I had so much fun learning more about US geography while I made these. I’ve colored a few and I have to say coloring pages about the states was pretty fun too.

Plus you can find so many more printable coloring pages to print and color and love over and over again at Stevie Doodles.

The United States acquired its 50 states through a combination of territory purchases, annexations, and territorial advancements. From the original 13 colonies, the US expanded westward through the Louisiana Purchase, the Mexican-American War, and various treaties and agreements, ultimately leading to the inclusion of Alaska and Hawaii as the 49th and 50th states, respectively.

200 free state coloring pages - 4 pages for each of the 50 US States free to print and color from Stevie Doodles site fun of free coloring sheets

Alabama Coloring Pages

Get the free Alabama coloring pages or you can click on the image below to print the free pages for this state.

On December 14, 1819, Alabama officially became the 22nd state to join the Union, marking a significant milestone in the growth and development of the United States.

Click on the image above to get the Alabama state pages


Alaska coloring pages

Get the free Alaska coloring pages or you can click on the image below

On January 3, 1959, Alaska officially joined the Union, becoming the 49th state of the United States.

Click on the image above to get the Alaska state pages


Arizona coloring pages

Get the free Arizona coloring pages

Arizona officially joined the Union on February 14, 1912, becoming the 48th state in the United States of America.

Click on the image above to get the Arizona state pages


Arkansas State Activity Sheets

Get the free Arkansas coloring sheets here or you can click on the image below to print the free pages for this state.

Arkansas officially became the 25th state to join the Union on June 15, 1836, marking a significant milestone in the expansion of the United States.

Click on the image above to get the Arizona state pages



Get the free California coloring pages here or you can click on the image below to print the free pages for this state.

Click on the image above to get the California state coloring pages


COLORADO - State coloring pages free from the state of Colorado

Get the free Colorado coloring sheets here or you can click on the image below to print the free pages for this state.

Connecticut Free Coloring Pritables

Get the free Connecticut coloring sheets here or you can click on the image below to print the free pages for this state.


It’s Delaware! Unfortunately I haven’t been able to visit this part of the country, but I look forward to it. If you are in Delaware or studying the state, I hope you can find the perfect page for your U.S. activity to print. Visit the post for these Free Delaware Coloring Pages Here


I’ve never been to this state. It’s strange because I was supposed to move here as a kid - we were packing all of our stuff and had a school picked out and then the move didn’t work out. And now I’ve still never visited this beautiful state. Hopefully someday soon.

For now, it was fun to learn about the state a little more while I worked on these free state printable coloring pages. You can get these Florida state coloring pages HERE or you can click on the image below to visit the post for this state


Free state printables! I have this state all ready for you - four state activity sheets for you to print and color from Stevie Doodles.

My favorite memory from this state is going to a Braves game around 2007. I went by myself and stayed overnight in a nearby hotel and had a grand old time in this state. I’d like to go back because I’ve always wanted to visit Savannah (ever since reading Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil) and failed to do it while I was in Georgia.

Visit the Free Georgia Coloring Pages Post HERE


Have you visited this state? I have been twice and it was lovely both times. If you are from the state or studying this state or getting ready to travel to this state, you might love these state printables I made for you. Please share links to Stevie Doodles liberally with all of your friends - especially those friends who are going to love love love my free state printable coloring pages. Visit the post with my Free Hawaii Coloring Sheets or click the image below


This is sort of my home state - well, it’s my home base state anyway. I was born in WA state and my son was born in CA state, but we’ve spent a lot of time in Idaho and our closest family and lots of friends are in this state. I hope you enjoy these gem state printable coloring sheets. These are totally free from me, Stevie, and you can color these state activity sheets as much and as often as you’d like. Please pass along links to everyone who will love these state coloring printables. See the Idaho state free coloring pages here or click the image below to visit the post


This post has four Illinois state coloring pages free to print and color. I enjoyed making these State activity pages, but I would have enjoyed it more if the U.S. had less states. You know, like 25 instead of 50 maybe. Who was in charge of that anyway?

I was thinking of making pages for the states - as in countries - of the world, but that might have to wait because 50 states was soooooo many. Okay, I’m done whining. I don’t know why I chose to do all of the whining here in the Illinois section. I haven’t been to Illinois - are you whiny there? Ha! Kidding. Okay here is where you can get your free Illinois printable coloring pages or you can just hit that image below and it will take you there too. Enjoy my states coloring pages!


These free state coloring sheets are all about the U.S. state of Indiana. Are you from Indiana? Or maybe just studying this state? Or maybe you’re studying all the states in the United States - if any of those, you have definitely arrived at the right place because I made four fun activity pages for each of the U.S. States. Visit my free Indiana pages post here or click the image below to visit the post and print the free coloring sheets for this state.


It’s Iowa! You’ve found it (if it’s what you were looking for, if not - keep on scrolling to find your state.)

I hope you love these four free printable coloring sheets I made for this U.S. State. You can visit my Iowa Coloring Pages post here or click on the image below to visit the post for this state. Please share links to my state activity pages with all of your friends who will love to use these coloring sheets.


It’s Kansas! I’m hoping to visit this state in a couple of months for the first time. If you are from this state or are just looking for coloring pages about this state - you’ve found them. I hope you love these U.S. state printables so much. Get the free Kansas coloring sheets here or you can click on the image below to print the free pages for this state.


This post is for the U.S. state of Kentucky. You can visit the post for these free state printable coloring sheets all about Kentucky by clicking here Please liberally share these posts about the US states so everyone who wants to can enjoy these coloring sheets


Here we are at Louisiana! What number is this? I’ve lost track. I had fun (mostly) making these printable state coloring pages for you. They took me a LOT longer than I expected. But I’m happy with how all of these states turned out! You can click here to visit the Free Louisiana Pages Post


This is my Maine post for my free state printables - this post, like the other state posts, has 4 free state coloring sheets you can print and color for whatever your needs are. Please share the links to these state coloring pages with all your friends who will be able to use them. Click here to visit the post for the state of Maine or click the image below


Is this the state you were looking for? Click here to visit the Maryland Post or click on the image below. You can immediately print these fun state coloring sheets - totally free and print as many copies as you’d love. I made these state pages for you, so please enjoy them!


Massachusetts! This post has 4 free massachusetts coloring pages for you. Enjoy these pages about the U.S. state of Massachusetts. To print, visit the post for this state by clicking on the image below. I hope you love my state coloring sheets.

Please visit more Stevie Doodles pages - I have 1000’s of free printable coloring pages


Get the free Michigan coloring sheets here or you can click on the image below to print the free pages for this state.


Get the free Minnesota coloring sheets here or you can click on the image below to print the free pages for this state.

Mississippi State Geography Activity Pages

Get the free Mississippi coloring sheets here or you can click on the image below to print the free pages for this state.


Get the free Missouri coloring sheets here or you can click on the image below to print the free pages for this state.


Get the free Montana coloring sheets here or you can click on the image below to print the free pages for this state.


Get the free Nebraska coloring sheets here or you can click on the image below to print the free pages for this state.

Free printable US states activity pages from Stevie Doodles

Free printable US states activity pages from Stevie Doodles


Get the free Nevada coloring sheets here or you can click on the image below to print the free pages for this state.

Free printable United States geography activity coloring pages to print and color free today

Free printable United States geography activity coloring pages to print and color free today

New Hampshire

Get the free New Hampshire coloring sheets here or you can click on the image below to print the free pages for this state.

FREE! Grab printable coloring activity sheets about all the US states

FREE! Grab printable coloring activity sheets about all the US states

New Jersey

Get the free New Jersey coloring sheets here or you can click on the image below to print the free pages for this state.

Free united states geography coloring activity pages from Stevie Doodles

Free united states geography coloring activity pages from Stevie Doodles

New Mexico

Get the free New Mexico coloring sheets here or you can click on the image below to print the free pages for this state.

New York

Get the free New York coloring sheets here or you can click on the image below to print the free pages for this state.

Free coloring activity pages about the United States from Stevie Doodles

Free coloring activity pages about the United States from Stevie Doodles

North Carolina

Get the free North Carolina coloring sheets here or you can click on the image below to print the free pages for this state.

North Dakota

Get the free North Dakota coloring sheets here or you can click on the image below to print the free pages for this state.


Get the free Ohio coloring sheets here or you can click on the image below to print the free pages for this state.


Get the free Oklahoma coloring sheets here or you can click on the image below to print the free pages for this state.


Get the free Oregon coloring sheets here or you can click on the image below to print the free pages for this state.


Get the free Pennsylvania coloring sheets here or you can click on the image below to print the free pages for this state.

Rhode Island

Get the free Rhode Island coloring sheets here or you can click on the image below to print the free pages for this state.

South Carolina

Get the free South Carolina coloring sheets here or you can click on the image below to print the free pages for this state.

South Dakota

Get the free South Dakota coloring sheets here or you can click on the image below to print the free pages for this state.


Get the free Tennessee coloring sheets here or you can click on the image below to print the free pages for this state.


Get the free Texas coloring sheets here or you can click on the image below to print the free pages for this state.


Get the free Utah coloring sheets here or you can click on the image below to print the free pages for this state.


Get the free Vermont coloring sheets here or you can click on the image below to print the free pages for this state.


Get the free Virginia coloring sheets here or you can click on the image below to print the free pages for this state.


Get the free Washington coloring sheets here or you can click on the image below to print the free pages for this state.

West Virginia

Get the free West Virginia coloring sheets here or you can click on the image below to print the free pages for this state.


Get the free Wisconsin coloring sheets here or you can click on the image below to print the free pages for this state.


Get the free Wyoming coloring sheets here or you can click on the image below to print the free pages for this state.

You might also love some of these free coloring pages from Stevie Doodles